Have You Ever Thought About Writing Your Life Story?

Thank you to all ten enthusiastic and talented students who were writing their life stories / memoirs on this Suffolk East Federation course. We had lots of fun and a happy productive time together and a ballet lesson! That’s definitely a first on a Life Story writing course and special thanks to our charming ballerina for taking us through our ‘positions’.


If you’ve ever thought about writing your life story or memoirs this course is a great place to begin. Come and join us and enjoy learning how to plan, organise and write about your life with support from an experienced life story writing tutor.

Sharing tales of childhood, school days, work, friends and family with a small group of like-minded people is relaxing, therapeutic and enhances your sense of well-being. Personal memories and experiences add a unique perspective to family history projects. Life stories are an important part of 20th Century social history and are sometimes suitable for publication (think of ‘Call the Midwife’!!)

This course is suitable for all ages and abilities, including those with no experience of writing. Single rooms, all ensuite, delicious cooked breakfasts, lunches and evening dinners all included, men and women both equally welcome.

Please contact us for more information about this course
