Thanks Denman for hosting this Retreat, perfect place for it. We had a great time, and we’re still writing! Keep reading to see information about the course.
Dig out that unfinished writing project languishing in a drawer, or get inspired to begin writing something completely new at Denman College this Winter. Overcome writer’s block and enjoy working in a supportive tutor led classroom group and in programmed ‘one to one’ sessions, on your short stories, memoirs, life story, sketches, plays, articles or novel, with opportunities to discuss your work within this small group of like-minded students.
Denman College is a wonderful environment in which to write. We will begin working together in the classroom, followed by time spent ‘in retreat’, writing in your comfortable study/bedroom, or elsewhere in this beautiful Georgian house. The elegant drawing room, the comfortable bar, or the main hall with it’s cosy log fire are all available to retreat students.
If you require any further information please contact or call Denman College on 01865 391991