The Women’s Institute has a proud heritage of writing and performing sketches and short plays to entertain ourselves and each other, as well as performing for other members of our communities. Sketch writing and acting is every bit as much fun now as it always was, and this course is designed to continue with the tradition, while adding a modern twist. We know our Institutes are full of talented actors and performers ready to rock up at Group Meetings keen to make ’em laugh, or tug at their heartstrings, or to inspire audiences with topical short dramas relating to the campaigns we care about and this course is designed for them. We’ll be aiming for some work in progress, script in hand performances towards the end of the course, so please come along prepared to take part in practical sessions. Sketches and short plays are increasingly popular at festivals and events and we will also look at opportunities for writers to submit short scripts to national and international competitions.
No experience of writing is needed, and men and women are equally welcome. Price includes a comfortable ensuite room with tea/coffee making facilities and varied menus offering a selection of delicious meals, including buffet style cooked breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, tea in the afternoon, and a three course evening dinner with coffee/tea